10 guaranteed ways to ace your next interview and get the job

In these times of economic uncertainty, it’s only natural to need to secure a better job or climb higher in the corporate ladder to meet up with one’s career and financial aspirations. It’s not the time to just sit back and expect things to get better without grabbing the bull by the horns.

There is an island of opportunities awaiting those who dare to step forward, stand out, and do things differently. As 2024 unfolds, the job market remains as unpredictable as ever, making it crucial to hone the art of acing a job interview.

In one of our previous articles, we discussed extensively “handsome privilege” and leveraging attractiveness in corporate settings. If you missed it, don’t worry, just click here https://menstyleplug.com/handsome-privilege-using-being-attractive-as-leverage/ and enlighten yourself before diving into the exciting world of job interviews.

Whether you’re eyeing the corner office or just trying to escape the dangerous realm of unemployment, acing a job interview is your golden ticket. But how do you stand out in a sea of resumes and LinkedIn profiles? How do you flex your skills and personality in that nerve-wracking interview room? Don’t worry, bro, I’ve got the lowdown on acing that interview without breaking a sweat (well, maybe just a little sweat sha).

Do Your Homework and Be Prepared:

Imagine walking into an interview, and they hit you with a curveball about the company’s recent achievements. And there you are, looking clueless, not knowing a thing about the company or the role you’re applying for. It’s like stepping onto a dance floor without knowing the steps, you already know you’re bound to trip up.

Avoid such awkward moments by doing your homework. Before the big day, research the company, its culture, and the position you’re vying for: Stalk their website, socials, and recent news. Show them you know your onions.

Pro Tip: Drop a casual reference to their latest project, like, “I was checking out your recent venture. Impressive stuff! Reminded me of that time I aced a group project back in school.”

Dress Appropriately:

Let’s be real guys, first impressions matter a lot and we can’t emphasize this enough. Start with the handshake. Not too firm, not too limp – just enough to show you mean business without crushing anyone’s fingers. Remember, you’re not wrestling for a job bro, so take it easy; you’re just showcasing your swag.

In the grand ballroom of job interviews, your attire is your armor. Dress to impress, but remember, it’s not a fashion show – save the peacock feathers for another occasion.

I’m not saying you need to wear a three-piece suit, especially if you’re in a country with a very hot climate like Nigeria, but dress the part. It’s the first date with your future boss, and first impressions are everything. Opt for a look that says, “I’m serious about this, but also, I’ve got style.”

Strike the perfect balance between professionalism and style, like a gentleman, and exude confidence.

Be on Time:

We have a saying in Nigeria: “African time is not the same as real-time.” But when it comes to job interviews, punctuality is key. Arriving late sends the wrong message – that you lack respect and commitment.

Set multiple alarms, leave early, and arrive with time to spare. After all, it’s better to be early than to arrive in a flurry of apologies. Time is money, and so is punctuality.

Keep a happy medium:

Bro, we get it, you’re a smart ass, but nobody likes a show-off! Leave the big grammar at home and speak in a language that even your grandma would understand. Remember, the goal is to connect with your interviewer on a human level, not to recite Shakespeare’s poems.

During the interview, strike a balance between confidence and humility. You’re not auditioning for a one-man show, neither are you begging for scraps. Speak with assurance, but listen attentively. Nobody likes a braggart, but nobody respects a pushover either. Just try to find the sweet spot, and you’ll have them eating out of the palm of your hand.

Stay True to the Message:

When you’re staying true to the message, it’s like showcasing your best self without sounding like you’re auditioning for a superhero role. You want to share what you’ve achieved and what you bring to the table, without coming off as the guy who claims he can solve all of the company’s problems single-handedly.

Instead, it’s about highlighting your strengths, experiences, and aspirations in a way that shows how seamlessly they align with the job and the company’s goals. It’s like finding the perfect rhythm in a dance – you want to move with grace and precision, not just stomping around.

Be Authentic. Don’t recite your CV like a robot. Let your personality shine through. Think of it as a job interview with a sprinkle of your favorite stand-up routine.

Avoid Talking About Money or Benefits:

I know we all love money, lol, after all, at the end of it all, it’s all about the Mulla but, hold your horses on the salary talk bro. It’s like proposing on the first date – just a tad premature. Focus on what you can bring to the table before diving into the perks.

There’s a popular saying in Nigeria, “Money talk no be show-off.” While compensation is important, discussing it prematurely can come across as crass and mercenary. Focus on showcasing your value to the company, and let the monetary negotiations come later. After all, the best dancers don’t ask for payment before the music even starts.

Be Careful When Talking About Your Current or Previous Employer:

Now, let’s talk about how you discuss your previous boss without stepping on any toes. Look, I get it – we’ve all had those moments when we wanted to air our workplace grievances. But here’s the deal: trashing your past employer won’t make you look like a go-getter. It just makes you seem like you’re carrying around some heavy baggage.

Remember that golden rule your grandma used to preach? “If you don’t have something nice to say, zip it.” Yeah, that one. It’s still solid advice, even in the corporate world. So keep it classy, keep it positive, and keep those negative vibes in check.

Smile and Stay Calm

Alright, let’s talk nerves. We’ve all been there, right? The sweaty palms, the racing heart – it’s all part of the game. But here’s the trick: it’s not about hiding your nerves, it’s about owning them.

Let’s assume you’re in that hot seat, and the butterflies are doing the cha-cha fluttering in your stomach. No biggie – it’s normal. Now, here’s the trick. It’s all in the body language. Sit up straight bro, none of that slouching business. And for the love of all that’s holy, keep those hands still – no need for fidgeting.

Smile, even if it feels like your face is frozen in place. Confidence is contagious my friend. Make eye contact, and speak clearly. Oh, and whatever you do, resist the urge to interrupt. It’s not a rap battle; it’s an interview. Remember, it’s not about being perfect; it’s about showing them you can handle the pressure – nerves and all.

Assume That for Everyone You Meet, It Is Interview Number 1:

Alright, let’s talk about treating every encounter like it’s your first interview. Look bro, from the moment you step foot in the building, you’re in the spotlight. You have to treat every encounter like it’s your first interview. Yep, that means being extra nice to the receptionist – they’re the gatekeepers, after all. That little chat by the water dispenser? It’s part of the interview. The momentary elevator small talk? Yep, still the interview. And when your interviewer suddenly springs the “meet my boss” surprise, don’t panic.

Pretend your CV is a top-secret file they’ve never laid eyes on. Every move you make, every word you say, it’s all part of the grand interview performance. So, stay sharp, stay attentive, and play the role like you’re auditioning for the lead in a blockbuster movie.

In conclusion, I want you to know that interviewing is like riding a bike – you can be a newbie or a seasoned pro, but there’s always room to polish those skills. We all stumble in interviews – it’s like a rite of passage.

So, whether you’re a fresh face in the job-seeking game or a seasoned veteran, remember these 9 tips. They’re not just steps my friend; they’re your backstage pass to nailing that next interview. Go forth and conquer bro, you’ve got this!

I’m sure this has been helpful, kindly hit the like and share button, and don’t keep this vital information to yourself.

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