The Invisible Power Of Fragrances (perfumes) and How To Wield it

What you wear matters, so does how you smell. The sense of smell is as important as any of the other senses as it can alert us to dangers like a gas leak, fire, or rotten food and it’s also linked to parts of the brain that process emotions and memory. Why do you think fragrances are added to many products, office space, homes, etc, it’s simple… TO MAKE US FEEL GOOD. And if you feel good about a place, product, or person, you’re more likely to remember them, buy them and come back to them.

Fragrances evoke the most intense form of memory. Though invisible, it’s an accessory that helps you connect with people long after you’ve left them. It takes less than 10 seconds to spray a fragrance and you can leave a lasting memory in the mind of anybody that comes in contact with you. They make you instantly attractive with the least effort. I remember many years ago when my sister’s boyfriend (now husband) comes to the house, I don’t remember much about what he wears but his perfume was always on point. There was just this instant ‘correct guy’ vibe about him and I just liked him, without necessarily knowing the kind of person he actually is. That’s the power of fragrance fam. Let me show you further why you need to wear a fragrance.


Power Of Fragrances
  1. Ladies love it: ladies are more sensual than guys and engage their senses more. Irrespective of your relationship status, wearing perfume will make her draw closer to you all the time, whether on a date or when you want to get down at night. When you get it right, you will not only get compliments but also the number of new ladies. Trust me.
  2. Instant Attractiveness: Even when you don’t dress up too good (we all have those days where we couldn’t care less), your perfume can still make people perceive you as attractive since attraction isn’t just about sight, but about engaging other senses too and in this case, the sense of smell.
  3. People Get to Trust You More: as I said earlier about my brother-in-law, I didn’t know much about him as of then, but I just liked him and trusted him to take care of my sister. Don’t know the science or spirit behind it though, but it is what it is and it works.
  4. Increases Your Confidence Level: smelling good is one of the pointers of affluence and royalty. In fact, perfumes were designed for royalty in ancient Egypt sourced from the finest aroma ingredients, and presented as gifts to them. They still have the same effect to date. They make you feel affluential and people perceive you as such too.



Fragrance oils are a mixture of compressed essential oils, synthetic aroma chemicals, and aromatic resins. Just one fragrance oil can be composed of up to 50-100 materials. The more the ingredients, the more expensive it will be. These natural and synthetic ingredients come in liquid, powder, or crystalline forms. To mix them, the perfumer needs to dissolve them in a solvent which is what forms the basis for the difference between fragrance oil and the alcohol-based spray-on counterpart. While the fragrance oils are dissolved in an odorless, neutral carrier oil (solvents), the sprays are dissolved in ethanol or water in some cases.

The oil to alcohol or solvent ratio is what determines the concentration of the final product as well as the longevity (sillage) when used and of course the price. Hence, we have the Parfum, Eau De Parfum (EDP), Eau De Toilette (EDT), Eau De Cologne (EDC), Eau Fraiche


As I stated earlier both the perfume oils and the sprays are extracted from natural and synthetic ingredients, they only differ in the solvent used and the presentation. However, there are other differences, and in this case, I’ll be talking about the advantages the oils have over the sprays.

Price: Don’t know if you’ve heard this before, but perfume companies spend more money on fancy bottles and packaging, marketing costs, corporate overheads, hefty commissions, etc than the actual fragrance itself. Hence, they mark up the profit on the consumer.  Whereas, perfume oils of the same scent or brand are sold in canisters and you literally can buy the quantity you want.

Longevity: Due to its high concentration and natural solvent used, perfume oils last longer than most sprays. This isn’t to say that sprays too don’t last long but it’s usually the parfum and the Eau De Parfum that lasts that long as much as the oil variants. For a good perfume oil, even after you wash the clothes, the smell still lingers.

Nose Feel: have you ever come close to a person wearing perfume and it feels harsh, overbearing, or overpowering to the nose? Then it’s most likely they’re wearing a perfume spray. The alcohol content causes this by making some of the ingredients sharper. Perfume oils, on the other hand, are easy on the nose, stays close to the skin, and radiates outward, making you feel like you’re wearing a scent, rather than a scent wearing you.

Skin Feel: Perfume oils are less likely to cause allergic skin reactions or irritation since they are dissolved in natural solvents. The spray on the other hand can cause dry skin or irritation on the spots it was sprayed on the skin due to the alcohol composition.



Let me state here first that perfumes cannot replace basic hygiene like bathing twice daily, shaving your pubic region, and the likes. Everybody has a natural body odor, perfume can only mask this temporarily and not a substitute for getting rid of body odor. That being said, here’s how to apply your perfume for better results all day long.·

Pulse points: A pulse point is an area on the body where blood pumps near the skin surface. Heat is generated more at these points which is useful for the activation of the fragrance. Examples of the pulse points are:

  • Behind the ears.
  • The sides of the neck.
  • Inner elbow.
  • The wrist
  • The chest
  • Behind the knees
  • On the ankles

These points are where people are more likely to come in contact with your body, for instance, when you hug someone, when you take a handshake, when you sit close to someone in a public place, when you kiss, and so on. They also help the projection of your scent across the room and help to retain the scent all day so you don’t have to necessarily respray.

Clothes: Are actually better scent carriers than the skin and don’t react with your skin or cause irritation. However, the problem most people have with applying on clothes is that it causes a patch at the point it is applied especially when it’s a bright-colored cloth. I apply at points where even if it gives a patch, it won’t be obvious. I apply close to the armpit, the stitch on the sides of the cloth by the elbow, waist, and hip, the crotch area of my pant.

The idea is you don’t want to under spray (what’s the point when people can’t perceive your scent) and you don’t want to overspray (you don’t want to irritate people that come close to you or trigger allergies in them) either. From experience, 5-8 puffs are good enough for a strong scent and 10 for a mild scent. 2 to both ears, 2 to the inner elbows, 2 to the wrist, 2 to the neck, and maybe 1 or 2 for the trouser crotch.



You play different roles in life, for instance, your workwear isn’t your play wear or date wear. The same ideology applies to scents. Some scents are perfect for office, some for outdoor events, some for date nights, and so on. I am a collector and love to experiment, lol. So, I have over 40 bottles. However, not saying you should be like me, but ideally, you should have at least 4 bottles in your collection that serve different purposes. Imagine wearing the same design of cloth every day, you become boring and predictable which is a major blow to your style. The idea is to be expressive with how you smell, with your mood, the occasion, and your personality.


One of the perks of having more than a bottle is so that it doesn’t finish on time. As you alternate it, you can go for months without buying another bottle. You store your perfume by keeping it in a dark place, in your closet if possible. Light can interact with the ingredients of the fragrance, thereby changing their nature and the resulting smell. Also, make sure it’s always closed, especially the alcohol sprays. Alcohol evaporates and as it does so, your perfume reduces in quantity and scent too. Finally, I stated earlier that you don’t have to overspray it, your goal is to buy a good fragrance (I’ve made suggestions at the end of this post) so that you don’t need to spray too much to get the result you desire.

Final Thoughts

There was a day I was in a store, I wore a fragrance, Roberto Cavalli Oud to be precise. A man walked past me, he was about to drive off but he came back to me to ask what scent I’m wearing, I told him and he said that’s the kind of matured scent he’s been looking for. He insisted he wanted it, even though I’ve used almost half the bottle, he said he doesn’t mind that he will pay the full price, that he was traveling the next day and didn’t have the time to go looking for it. Brethren, he followed me home, lol. He’s my very good client to date and has given me many referrals too.

I told this story to buttress my point on the power of a fragrance. It makes you instantly attractive and approachable. You get compliments and you can start conversations and make new friends or potential business partners from there.

I’ve gotten emails from some of our subscribers on our list for leverage series asking for recommendations on what fragrances to wear. Below is a collection of some perfume oil of designer brands I strongly recommend. I’ve used them and they’re fantastic. They’re super affordable and you can buy them directly from our store and have them delivered to you in 24 hours.

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