7 Lifestyle Tips For You To Have An Amazing 2021

2021 Lifestyle Tips

If you’re reading this, you also made it, so happy new year is in order. There’s been a lot of predictions about the new year 2021, about how it’ll be a tough year economically, financially and medically. There was even a joke meme I saw, that said something like “if you think 2020 was crazy, wait till you see the elder brother 2021”. I’ve made a conscious decision that even if 2021 is exactly the way 2020 was, I will not be the same man I was. People bought houses, cars, got new jobs, started new businesses, etc,. so, my personal opinion is you chart the course of your life, the situation of the world notwithstanding.

If COVID-19 and all that happened last year caught us by surprise, it’s no longer a surprise in 2021. There might be fresh lockdowns, vaccination will take at least a year to be fully distributed, countries will take time to stabilize their currencies and economies to exit recession and inflation. Plan for these outcomes. While you cannot control the outcomes of the world at large, look for opportunities and mine them, remember there are always opportunities in crisis.

Here are a few tips I’ve decided to implement for the year as I was ruminating on the way forward.


If you have set goals, fine. Goals are good to give us a sense of direction, but pay more  attention to the daily processes. The little things you do here and there for the actualization of those goals are what really counts. You need to do your scenario analysis. Fine tune your tech tools and remote working abilities. Craft financial and business plan. Don’t wait on an empty hope, instead let your preparation meet opportunity. The same skills that are used to plan for one set of circumstances are useful even when there’s a different outcome. See your plan as a basket, only put in things that serve your objectives. Avoid distractions, especially social media.


Your product or service might be local, but have a global perspective to doing it. Don’t wait for political cycles to determine your fate. Don’t only google “how to open an offshore account”, now is the time to put those search results to work. I’ve been thinking in terms of dollars. Was telling a friend that I will make most of my money in dollars this year. It’s not rocket science and not as hard as you may think it is. It’s just being exposed to the right information and implementing them accordingly.


Yes, you heard me right, PRAY. I’m not the very spiritual type, but I believe there’s a God that controls the affairs of the universe. It’s a place of release of frustrations, weaknesses and plans. I don’t know your religion, but what I’m talking about is more than religion (how you seek him) it’s more of a relationship. Stop carrying burdens alone, talk through your plans with God, give him space to talk to you too. Be open to him, there’s more to this world than meets the eye. Seek God and you’ll learn principles and gain direction.


I feel this generation has lost hobbies. Everything should not be all about hustle or a money making venture. The little things like listening to songs you love, learning to play a musical instrument or a new language are medicine for the mind, body and soul. Be deliberate about fuelling your emotional bank. Avoid things and people that deplete that joyful account, it’s not worth it, you have this one life remember? I took up tai-chi classes on youtube last year and it was a very interesting phase for me, don’t let me enter the gist, we will not finish this post, lol. But you get my point, right?


Much has been said about patience, but little about our attitude while exercising patience. No matter the amount of heat a block of ice is subjected to that will make it melt instantly…it’ll take some time. The journey is a compound interest journey, everything will add up at some point, your efforts will not go to waste. Think of the guy trying to break a rock, it’s one blow of the hammer that eventually breaks the rock, but it’s the compounding blows of hundreds or thousands of strikes that did the job. Keep pushing chief, it’ll happen with time.


Do it scared. As they say “courage is not the absence of fear, but acting in spite of the fear. Let fear be your fuel this year. You never suffer the consequences of success or failure if you don’t launch out. Many people are also gunning for what you want. Get up and take it, life will not just hand it over to you. The words of Alexander the great “fortune favours only the bold”. Don’t dull.


One of the biggest battles and questions you’ll have to answer for yourself is the question of IDENTITY. Who are you? that question is to you however you choose to answer it. For me, I’m an exceptional specimen of humanity, a glorious expression of the creative skill of God, God’s special person, the apple of his eye, a wonder to behold, lol. I can go on and on, but the idea is to love yourself and allow others to love you. Revel in love because you deserve it and worthy of it. Think and walk in abundance and watch as things fall in place in 2021.

On that note, with all my heart, I wish you a great year ahead. I’m excited and pumped for the year, I hope you are too. Best wishes fam.

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Other beneficial resources:

Leverage series: how not to work to an early grave

How to stay stylish working from home

Recommended Books:

  • Atomic habits by James Clear
  • Seven habits of highly effective people by Steven R. Covey.
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